So my "builder now thinks it may be a valve body issue. Actually not, now it won't shift to 3rd & 4th automatically or manually. Go for another ride and while the trans is in drive, 1st is good, shifts to 2nd that's good too, cool. Fluid is red and no burnt smell.īuilder thinks it might be a governor issue, so we take out the modified stock one and put in a Corvette one which is a nice upgrade anyways.
#700r4 corvette servo assembly manual
So it's acting like a manual valve body and am assured that when the shift kit was installed it was installed for full automatic mode. I then shift it manually from 1st thru drive and all gears work perfect. Went to drive it, put it in drive, 1st gear is fine shifts to second and very unresponsive / slippage, shifts to 3rd, 4th and OD and those are good. Installed the transmission, adjusted the TV cable correctly at WOT, fluid level is correct.

$1200.00 in hard parts alone ( TransGo, Sonnax, etc.).

Had a 700R4 rebuilt with performance upgrades. Guessing the other valve body with the re-programming kit is probably just fine also.
#700r4 corvette servo assembly update
Again thanks for the help and I'll update as I know more. If I never have to drain the fluid on this transmission, it'll be too soon, think this is the 5th or 6th time, kinda lost track by now. I conveyed what was told to me on here numerous times and now, finally, the guy will be back later to check the pressure regulator valve and TV boost valves in the pump when things cool down. Also a stock valve body was installed before this to no avail. By the chart we used "normals" were all within range, "full" P & N were okay, R, O.D., 3rd, 2nd, & 1st all read low. Next we did a "full" test with TV cable disconnected and pulled all the way out ( with string and tied in position) foot on brake and 1000 rpm's. First ran a "normal test with the TV cable adjusted correctly foot on brake and 1000rpm's on the tach. Okay the latest update with pressures included.